
Greetings! Vanessa and I have just entered into the world of blogging (who would have thought!). We pray this blog will be a means for us to share what God has done and is doing in our lives. We desire that all who read will “stop and consider the wondrous works of God” (Job 37:14) which he has so clearly manifest throughout our relationship, and which we expect him to continue to manifest throughout our lives.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

All I Have is Christ

It's amazing how God's Spirit works! He uses pagan kings, donkeys, and roman soldiers to accomplish his purposes in this world. And in our day of technology, he can use Christ-centered computer art to sanctify his people. God used this video to break me of much sin and pride this week, and I commend it to you and pray it will have the same effect on you that it did to me.


Greg said...
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Lynae Adams said...
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Lynae Adams said...

I'm so thankful you posted this!! I think I've watched it about four times now. God answered your had the same effect on me. It IS amazing how God's Spirit works! He is so good!

Lynae...and Greg too

Gary McQuinn said...

So Good. Jesus + Nothing = Everything.